my approach

I take a holistic approach that integrates the mind, body, emotional, and spiritual components of self. By looking at the whole self I believe I can help women and adolescent girls tap into their core strengths and improve their relationship with themselves and others. Ultimately, I seek to assist each person in achieving a more joyful life- mindfully aware of their authentic self. 

The following highlights what informs my practice. 

Mindfulness and Meditation

I believe mindfulness and meditation can help ground us and bring awareness. Practicing mindfulness allows people to show down their "monkey brain" and become more attuned with their bodies, emotions, and thoughts. It allows space for joy, compassion, and gratitude. 

Authentic Living- Daring Way™

I am a Daring Way™ Certified Facilitator; The Daring Way training and certification program is for therapist who want to incorporate Brené Brown’s work on vulnerability, courage, shame, and worthiness.
The Daring Way™ is an experiential methodology to help people learn how to show up, be seen, and live braver lives. The primary focus is on developing shame resilience skills and developing daily practices that transform the way we live, love, parent, and lead.Click here to learn more about Dr. Brown’s work. 



I believe finding meaning and spirit in our daily struggles promotes growth and nourishment. If you choose, I will incorporate spirituality in my work with you. I draw inspiration from both Eastern and Western faith traditions. I believe finding purpose and presence can help people move through struggle and find peace.